In compliance with Federal Student Aid Regulations, the University of Maine at Farmington Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy for financial aid eligibility incorporates the University’s scholastic standards with the federal requirements for a specific time frame for degree completion. Students must meet these minimum Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements in order to be eligible for student aid funds. Each of the three following standards must be met:

Qualitative Measurement:

Matriculating students are required to maintain a grade point average based on the number of credits that are earned. The University uses the following scales:

Four Year Program

Credits Earned         GPA

0-16                        1.499

16.01-24                 1.599

24.01-32                 1.699

32.01-44                 1.799

44.01-56                 1.899

56.01-999               1.999

Quantitative Measurement:

Matriculating students are required to successfully complete a specific percentage of credits that are attempted. The University uses the following scales:

Credits Attempted         Percentage Passed

0-32                                     49.99%

32.01-44                              54.99%

44.01-56                              57.99%

56.01-68                              60.99%

68.01-80                              62.99%

80.01-92                              63.99%

92.01-104                            64.99%

104.01-116                          65.99%

116.01-999                          66.99%

Maximum Time Frame:

Federal regulations require that the University set a maximum time frame for successful completion of degree programs. For a four-year degree, the University has set the maximum number of attempted credits as 180. If a student attempts more credits than the maximum number identified for his/her degree, he/she is not eligible to receive financial aid.

Attempted Hours

For the purpose of this policy attempted hours include: audited classes; all classes taken for credit; classes withdrawn from; deferred grades; incomplete grades; missing grades; developmental courses; repeated courses and failed courses.

Passed Hours

For the purpose of this policy passed hours include: Passed credits hours that can be used for the purpose of completing degree requirements.

Transfer Students

If a student earned credits at a previous institution(s) that will be accepted toward his/her degree, those accepted hours will be included as attempted and passed hours for the purposes of satisfactory progress evaluation. For example, if a student attempted 15 hours at the University of Maine at Farmington and transferred in 30 credits to his/her academic record, all tests to evaluate satisfactory academic progress (Quantitative, Qualitative and Maximum Time Frame) would be based on 45 attempted passed hours.

Financial Aid Probation and Suspension

Satisfactory Academic Progress is measured at the end of each academic year, after the spring grades have been posted. However, if a student takes a leave of absence for any term of enrollment or earns a GPA of less than 1.0 on a scale of 4.0, re-evaluation will be required before the following term’s disbursement will be authorized. Upon review, if it is determined that the student is not making satisfactory progress, he/she will be notified in writing that his/her eligibility for financial aid has been suspended.

Appeal of Financial Aid Suspension

A student placed on Financial Aid Suspension who has experienced undue hardship, (i.e.- death of a relative of the student; personal injury or prolonged illness of the student; or special circumstances as determined by the institution.), may submit a written appeal, normally within 30 days of notification, to the Director of Financial Aid. The appeal must explain the circumstance that prevented the standards from being met. Providing third party documentation, if available, supporting the circumstance is suggested. In the case of undue hardship, the student may be placed on Financial Aid Probation for one period, and will be able to receive financial aid during that time. If at the end of the probationary period the minimum standards are not met, or the student has failed to meet the requirements of the academic plan developed as part of the probation period, the student’s financial aid eligibility will be suspended.

All appeals will be reviewed by the Financial Aid Appeals Committee. The student will receive written notification of the committee’s decision within 30 days of receipt of the appeal.

Condition of Financial Aid Reinstatement

Students must complete the required number of credits and achieve the corresponding cumulative GPA as outlined during the probationary period in order to have their financial aid eligibility reinstated.

Contact Us

If you have questions, please contact us. We look forward to helping you.

Merrill Center Student Services
University of Maine at Farmington
224 Main Street
Merrill Hall
Farmington, Maine 04938
tel  207-778-7100
fax  207-778-7555
TDD/TTY  207 778-7244