1. You may only submit one document at a time. You cannot upload a folder. File names cannot contain special characters. Such as the following ” / | ? : *
2. All documents must include the student’s ID number on every page of each document.
3. Verify document is complete by reviewing the form’s instructions carefully to ensure that all fields are complete.
4. Either drag and drop the file into the Box below or click “Browse” to choose the name of the file you wish to upload.
5. IMPORTANT: Only enter the student’s name, University ID number, and a brief description in the “File Description” field in the box below (limit 100 characters).
6. After submitting a file, you should see a screen that says, “Your submission was successful!” This confirms that we have received your document.

It can take up to 3 business days for uploaded items to come off of your MaineStreet ‘To-Do List’. You can confirm that we have received your documents by contacting our office.

Upload a Document

Contact Us

If you have questions, please contact us. We look forward to helping you.

Merrill Center Student Services
University of Maine at Farmington
224 Main Street
Merrill Hall
Farmington, Maine 04938
tel  207-778-7100
fax  207-778-7555
TDD/TTY  207 778-7244