Faculty Test Proctoring Request Form

Faculty Test Proctoring Request Form

EX: BIO 110, MAT 141
Who are you unable to proctor the exam for with accommodations?
When would you like the student to sit for the exam? Note: we may not be able to accommodate the exact date and time, and will notify you if that's the case.
Time Exam Begins
Please indicate if you have a specific time you'd like the student to take the exam (please let the student know this). Please note we may not be able to accommodate this exact time.
Do you expect the student to take the exam at your assigned time above?
Is the test/exam on Brightspace?
We will use this information to calculate the extra-time accommodation for those students that require it. Please note that we cannot accommodate unlimited time. If you provide all of the students in your class unlimited time, you will need to make other arrangements for the exam to be proctored.
All exams must be emailed to the Testing Center in Word format, 24-hours ahead of the exam. Please email them to Kimberly Ladd at lac-umf@maine.edu.
What materials are allowed during the exam? *
Check all that apply
All exams will be scanned and emailed to you when completed.
All exams are emailed. All paperwork will be held in the Testing Center for seven days. Any hard copies not requested after that time will be shred.