Now that you have been accepted into an approved UMF or Provider Study/Intern/Teach Abroad/Away Program, you will begin the pre-departure process.

  • All Students must complete the UMF Pre-Departure paperwork and processes, submitting documents to the Office of Global Education in person or via email at
  • In addition, students will complete application, enrollment and pre-departure processes as required by their program provider and host school, many of which may occur online.

Submission Deadlines for completed pre-departure processes are as follows:

  • April 30 (for Summer and Fall programs)
  • December 1 (for Spring programs)

Required Processes (click to access online form / download paper form)

  1. Pre-Departure Agreement
  2. Release and Assumption of Risk
  3. Medical Information-Emergency Contact-This process requires you to visit the UMF Student Health Clinic (preferred) or your PCP (accepted). Be sure to schedule that appointment soon to allow ample time for your health visit and submission of your completed form.
  4. Photo/Video Release – We want you to send us amazing pictures from your experience that we can use on our website and promotional materials. There is also a Study Away Photo Contest each year! We need this release before we can use any of your photos. NOTE: Photos that include yourself and clearly indicate where you are (signs, historical landmarks/buildings, etc.) or that you are in a location other than Maine is what we are looking for. Horizontal photos work best for web pages.
  5. Credit Approval (Study/Intern only) – Please schedule an appointment with the Office of global Education to go over this process, prior to submitting the online form. Not required for Student Teaching Abroad.
  6. S.T.E.P. Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (Programs outside the US only) – See detailed instructions below, prior to completing this process.
  7. WhatsApp Group – All outbound students must join the WhatsApp group assigned to their term. Create a WhatsApp account if you don’t already have one and provide your WhatsApp cell phone number via the WhatsApp Form.  You will then be added to the group.
  8. Study/Teach Away Travel and Official Program Dates Form – Provide your actual travel dates (U.S. departure and return), required for insurance coverage, as well as Official Program (study) dates. If available, also provide program orientation dates.
  9. Verification of Enrollment for Study Away (Study/Intern only) – This form is to be taken with you and submitted via email, once you have officially been registered for courses in your host country. Do not submit prior to departure. Not required for Student Teaching Abroad.

Additional Program Provider/Host School Pre-Departure

Forward your program provider/host school email acceptance to the Office of Global Education as soon as you receive it. Pay your confirmation and housing deposits directly to the program provider and/or host school. Complete online procedures and mail any additional required documents. Some forms may require our office to complete information and provide an approval signature. Allow ample time to meet all pre-departure deadlines.

Pre-Departure Meeting

As a UMF study/intern/teach abroad participant, you are required to attend the mandatory pre-departure meeting, which takes place the semester prior to your program. For meeting date, time, and location, refer to your UMF acceptance email or contact the Office of Global Education.

It is expected that you will have reviewed and completed the Pre-Departure Processes PRIOR to the mandatory Pre-Departure Meeting. Bring questions with you to the meeting so that we can have an informed discussion.

Mandatory Travel Insurance

All students participating in study/intern/teach away programs will be covered by international or domestic travel Insurance through the University of Maine system. Enrollment in such will be handled by the Office of Global Education The dates of your U.S. Departure and U.S. return will be required in order to enroll you in this insurance. Students participating in Provider Study/Intern/Teach Abroad programs will also be insured through the Provider.

S.T.E.P. Smart Traveler Enrollment Program

The Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) is a free service for U.S. citizens and nationals traveling abroad to enroll/register their trip with the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate.

All UMF Students participating in study/inter/teach away programs outside of the U.S. are REQUIRED to Create an Account and Enroll a Trip in STEP, registering with the US Embassy in their host country, and provide confirmation of registration to our office. This is not a recommendation, but a requirement.

Visit this website to process your registration It is a quick and simple process. You will need your passport with you in order to register, as well as specific dates of your program and the city(ies) and country(ies) you will study in. Detailed instructions are below.

  • Create an Account – complete the Traveler Information and Emergency Contact Information and click Finish
  • Add Trip/Residence Abroad – add your specific trip information: location, dates, and nearest US Consulate/Embassy (drop-down list). Use your current cell phone number for now. Once you have your local address abroad, you will need to go back and Add Trip/Residence Abroad and enter this information for your residence. Also, be sure to update any changes in trip dates.
  • Click on the Profile Info tab in the top left corner. This screen will show your name, email, phone, emergency contact, and the Existing Trips you have registered (locations/dates).
  • Take a screenshot of this page and submit it electronically to

Click Here for a Sample of what your screenshot should look like.

Note: If you travel outside your study/intern/teach abroad host country during your program, be sure to go back into your account and Add Trip/Residence Abroad and update with new details.

What are the benefits of enrollment?

  • Receive important information from the Embassy about safety conditions in your destination country, helping you make informed decisions about your travel plans.
  • Help the U.S. Embassy contact you in an emergency, whether natural disaster, civil unrest, widespread health concern, or family emergency.
  • Help family and friends get in touch with you in an emergency.