Conceptual Framework Logo

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2024-2025 UMF Field Experience Handbook (pdf)
Field Experience Binder Tutorials
Assistive Technology Collection – Spenciner Curriculum Materials Center

Student Teaching Interview Questionnaire

Student Teaching Questionnaire Planning Document PDF

Student Teaching Applications

Spring 2026 Student Teaching Application Packet
Student Teaching Application Fillable Form (You must download this form before it can be filled in)
Spring 2026 Student Teaching SignUp –

The Standards

Common Core Teaching Standards (Maine 2012)
ISTE Standards for Educators – updated 2017
ISTE Standards for Students – updated 2016
UMF Teacher Candidate Diversity Expectations
Model Code of Ethics for Educators

Major Student Teaching Assignments

(for more information see Student Teaching Handbook)

Contextual Factors Analysis Assignment
Contextual Factors Analysis Rubric
Teacher Work Sample Assignment
Video Assignment and Rubric
Goal Setting Format
Conversation Guide
Standards Portfolio Evaluation/CCTS Rationale Rubric

Lesson Planning

Lesson Plan Template
Lesson Plan Explained
UMF Unit-Wide Lesson Plan Rubric
Lesson Plan Supporting Materials 1
Lesson Plan Supporting Materials 2
Student Teacher Lesson Reflection
Lesson Plan Template – MS Word
Lesson Plan Explained – MS Word
UMF Unit-Wide Lesson Plan Rubric – MS Word

Student Teaching Assessment/Evaluation

Two Week Progress Report
Teacher Candidate Dispositions and Professional Expectations: In Field Setting
Essential Areas of Teaching
Portfolio Rubric for Student Reference
Standards Artifact Indicator List

Panorama Survey of Classroom Students

Classroom Observation Forms

Classroom Management Observation Checklist

Student Teaching Requirements

  • Candidacy
  • Cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher
  • Successful Completion of all Professional Courses with a B- or higher ( A student may have one exemption, although the student must earn a grade of C- or higher in that particular course. Practicum courses are not eligible for exemption.)


Students in ALL of our Teacher Education programs (ECH, ECS, ELE, Secondary/Middle, Special Education, School Health, Phys Ed and World Language K-12)  must be fingerprinted and have a Criminal History Record Check prior to their first experience in the field.  These checks are good for 5 years and will most likely take students through their initial certification.

Click here for information on applying for Fingerprinting and Criminal History Record Check
Mission Statement for Teacher Education

Student Teaching Courses:

ECH 460: Student Teaching and Seminar in Early Childhood Education K-3
ECH 490: Student Teaching and Seminar in Early Childhood Education B-5
ECS 460: Student Teaching and Seminar in Early Childhood Special Education B-5
EDU 450: Student Teaching and Seminar in Elementary Education K-8
EDU 460: Student Teaching and Seminar in Secondary/Middle Education 7-12
EDU 480: Student Teaching and Seminar in World Language Education K-12
EDU 490: Student Teaching and Seminar in School Health Education K-12
EDU 491: Student Teaching and Seminar in School Health Education and Physical Education K-12
SED 460: Student Teaching and Seminar in Special Education K-8, 7-12


Student teachers participate in a variety of supervised experiences in a school to enable them to synthesize educational theory and academic knowledge in public school classrooms. Following a school’s schedule and working with classroom teachers, their students, and other school personnel, student teachers increase their responsibility over time. The target is to assume a full teaching load including all of the non-teaching duties. Students participate in a weekly seminar during their student teaching experience. Pass/Fail only. Offered Fall and Spring. 15 Credits