AY23-24 Practicum Handbook (pdf)
Field Experience Binder Tutorials (pdf)
Lesson Planning:
Lesson Plan Template
Lesson Plan Explained
UMF Unit-Wide Lesson Plan Rubric
Lesson Plan Supporting Materials 1
Lesson Plan Supporting Materials 2
Learning Objectives
MS Word
Lesson Plan Template – MS Word
Lesson Plan Explained – MS Word
UMF Unit-Wide Lesson Plan Rubric – MS Word
Evaluation Forms:
Teacher Candidate Dispositions and Professional Expectations: In Field Setting
Informal Observation
Formal Observation
Practicum Exit Interview with Supervisor
MS Word
Informal Observation – MS Word
Formal Observation – MS Word
Teacher Candidate Dispositions and Professional Expectations: In Field Setting – MS Word
Practicum Exit Interview with Supervisor – MS Word
Goal Setting:
Goal Setting Format
Conversation Guide
Common Core Teaching Standards (Maine 2012)
Practicum Requirements:
Students entering all of our Teacher Education programs (Early Childhood Education, Early Childhood Special Education, Elementary Education, Secondary and Middle Education, Special Education, School Health Education, and World Language Education PK-12) must be fingerprinted and have a Criminal History Record Check prior to their first practicum. These checks are good for 5 years and should take most students through their initial certification.
Click here for information on applying for Fingerprinting and Criminal History Record Check
Practicum Course Descriptions:
EDU 202: Practicum and Seminar in Elementary Education (3 credits)
Practical experience in a public school classroom. The student works with a mentor teacher in an assigned classroom and participates in a weekly seminar. In the classroom, the student works with individuals and small groups while developing professional knowledge and responsibilities. Course Typically Offered: Every semester. Prerequisite(s): EDU 125; Education Major; Concurrent enrollment in EDU 201; Valid/Current Criminal History Records Check.
ECH 296: Practicum and Seminar in PreK to Grade 3 Education (3 credits)
This entry-level practicum has placements focused in Pre-K to Grade 3 classrooms in Maine public schools. This experience provides practical experience working in a public school early childhood classroom. Students work with a mentor teacher in the field for at least 6 hours and participate in a weekly seminar. In classrooms, the student works with individuals, small groups, and the whole class while developing professional knowledge and responsibilities. Prerequisite(s): ECH 150; ECH and ECS majors only: or permission of instructor. Valid/Current Criminal History Records Check. Offered Fall only.
EDU 224 – Practicum Field Experience and Seminar in Secondary and Middle Education (3 credits)
The Practicum Field Experience is an early classroom experience for college students thinking of becoming teachers in middle and secondary schools. By spending time in an assigned classroom and participating in seminars, students will shift their perspective from that of a student to that of a teacher. This experience should be viewed as pre-student teaching and is designed in part to provide the college student with the opportunity to make career choices. Practicum students work in the classroom with students on a one-to-one basis, in small and large groups, and as a whole class. The extent of involvement with each of these will depend on the needs of the teacher, the organization of the classroom, and the stage of development of the practicum student. Practicum students have varied backgrounds and experiences that will be utilized to enrich the learning opportunities for the students in the classroom and the practicum student. This program is a shared professional responsibility among teachers, administrators, and UMF faculty to provide a professional classroom experience for college students seeking a career in teaching. Course Typically Offered: Every semester. Prerequisite(s): EDU 102 & EDU 285; completion of Maine DOE’s Criminal History Records Check; GPA 2.5, Secondary Education major, World Languages Teacher Education major. This course can only be taken concurrently with EDU 222 and EDU 223 and is recommended to be taken concurrently with SED 300.
EDU 296 – Practicum Field Experience (3 credits)
The EDU 296 Practicum Field Experience is a classroom experience for college students thinking of becoming school health or physical education teachers in elementary, middle and/or secondary schools. By spending time in an assigned classroom and participating in seminars, students will shift their perspective from that of a student to that of a teacher. This experience should be viewed as pre-student teaching and is designed in part to provide the college student with the opportunity to make career choices. Practicum students work in the classroom with students on a one-to-one basis, in small and large groups, and as a whole class. The extent of involvement with each of these will depend on the needs of the teacher, the organization of the classroom, and the stage of development of the practicum student. Practicum students have varied backgrounds and experiences. These strengths and experiences should be utilized to enrich the learning opportunities for the students in the classroom and the practicum student. This program is a shared professional responsibility among teachers, administrators and UMF faculty to provide a professional classroom experience for college students seeking a career in teaching. Course Typically Offered: Every year. Prerequisite(s): Recommendation of advisor; completion of Maine DOE’s Criminal History Records Check; GPA 2.75, Community Health Education major with School Health & PE Concentration.
SED 209 – Practicum in Special Education (3 credits)
This practicum is designed to give special education majors experience in working with students receiving special education services in a public school setting. Working in cooperation with a mentor teacher in the school and with a university faculty member, students will accomplish a variety of instructional and professional growth activities. Course Typically Offered: Every year. Prerequisite(s): B- or higher in SED 100 or permission of the instructor.
EDU 389 – Advanced Practicum and Seminar for Elementary Education (3 credits)
Advanced Practicum and Seminar for Elementary Education is intended to be a bridge between EDU 202 and Student Teaching. It is designed to provide opportunities for the expansion of small-group work and whole-class instruction. Course topics include professional writing, gathering and analyzing data, and lesson plan development. Analysis of best practices in classroom management, differentiation, and assessment is grounded in standards-based instruction. Course Typically Offered: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Candidacy, Junior Status or Above, Concurrent Enrollment in EDU 424 and EDU 425, Valid/Current Criminal History Records Check.
EDU 396 – Advanced Practicum Field Experience (3 credits)
The EDU 396 Advanced Practicum Field Experience is a classroom experience for college students planning on becoming teachers in school health and physical education & secondary education who have already taken an initial practicum class. This advanced practicum is designed to give students an additional experience working with students in a public school setting. Working in cooperation with a mentor teacher in the school and with a university faculty member, students will accomplish a variety of instructional and professional growth activities. If there is additional space available in the course, education students who have completed all of their required practicums and have room in their program for an additional practicum may enroll with instructor permission. Course Typically Offered: Every year. Prerequisite(s): Recommendation of advisor; completion of Maine DOE’s Criminal History Records Check; EDU 296 or EDU 224 or permission, Candidacy.
SED 409 – Advanced Practicum in Special Education(3 credits)
his advanced practicum is designed to give special education majors additional experience beyond SED 209 in working with students receiving special education services in a public school setting. Working in cooperation with a mentor teacher in the school and with a university faculty member, students will accomplish a variety of instructional and professional growth activities. Requirement for all special education majors. Course Typically Offered: Every year. Prerequisite(s): Candidacy in Special Education or permission of the instructor.