Male professor teaching a classroom of students

The History major at the University of Maine at Farmington encourages you to step outside your own cultural and social experiences to examine past events from a fresh perspective, helping you realize there are multiple ways to view historical events and how they impact the present and future.

Here, you’ll work closely with your History professors in small classes where you’ll have the opportunity to hear and be heard. In addition to small lecture classes and small seminars, you’ll be encouraged to explore the wealth of human history in film, literature, art, museums, and local historical societies.

The faculty in the History program will also encourage you to create links with other disciplines, such as geography, anthropology, political science, and international and global studies as a way to broaden your understanding of those areas’ historical dimensions.

One Major — Two Concentrations

In addition to a wide variety of history coursework, you’ll get to choose from two history concentrations:

  • United States Concentration
  • Global Concentration

As a History student at UMF you’ll be encouraged to participate in several outside-the-classroom, hands-on activities closely related to your major: collecting oral histories, assisting local historical societies, traveling to historical sites, and participating in internships in Maine and elsewhere. You’ll also have the opportunity to take advantage of overseas travel courses in History.

Save more than $5,500 per year in tuition. This University of Maine at Farmington program qualifies for the NEBHE Tuition Break.

Through the NEBHE Tuition Break program, students from Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont receive a $5,670 tuition discount on all UMF degree programs.

What can you do with a degree in History?

Data comes from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and other sources. Median Salaries for positions in Maine typically fall below those of other New England states.

Internships – Real-World Experience

At UMF you can find out, first-hand, what it’s like to work in the History field while you learn valuable career skills and develop a strong network of professional contacts.

Here’s a short list of where our History students have recently interned:

  • Washburn-Norlands Living History Center
  • Farmington Historical Society
  • Maine State Archives

Many History students also participate in history-related, student-run organizations such as The History Club and Phi Alpha Theta (a National Honor Society devoted to promoting the study of History).

Contact Us

Office of Admissions
University of Maine at Farmington
246 Main Street
Farmington, Maine USA 04938-1994
tel  207-778-7050
fax  207-778-8182
TYY (via Maine Relay Service) dial 711