Nicole Coffey Kellett
Title | Professor of Anthropology |
Telephone | 207-778-7433 | | |
Bio | Nicole Coffey Kellett is an applied cultural anthropologist. Bringing an anti-capitalist ecofeminist perspective to her work, Dr. Kellett has conducted research on economic development and gender in the Andean highlands of Peru, reentry programs for female inmates in New Mexico, HIV/AIDS stigma in Kenya and Uganda, and tourism in Belize. She is the author (with Graciela Orihuela Rocha) of the forthcoming book, Graciela: One Woman’s Story of War, Survival and Perseverance in the Peruvian Highlands (University of New Mexico Press 2022), a life history of a female survivor of Peru’s civil war. Due to her international interests, Dr. Kellett teaches several courses that are cross listed with International and Global Studies including: Gender, Sexuality and Society; Medical Anthropology; Latin America: Cultures and Contexts; Incarceration Nation; and a two-week travel course to Peru; among others. She also teaches upper-division ethnographic theory and methods courses. Degrees