Lucas Kellett
Title | Associate Professor of Anthropology |
Telephone | 207-778-7096 | | |
Bio | Luke Kellett is a broadly trained professional archaeologist who has done fieldwork in the American Southwest and the Andean region of South America. As an anthropological archaeologist, he is interested in the long-term interactions between humans and their cultural and physical landscapes, especially during periods of climate change. He has worked in museum and contract archaeology settings, as well as an archaeologist for the US Forest Service. Since 2002 he has conducted archaeological research in the Andahuaylas region of highland Peru where he is investigating the prehistoric settlement ecology of the Chanka ethnic group during a period of drought and social upheaval (AD 1000-1400). Luke is a full-time faculty member in the Anthropology department but also teaches courses in the Geography program. For many years he has led UMF travel courses to Peru and Newfoundland, Canada. He loves to ski, hike, climb and travel internationally. Degrees