Jean Doty

Title | Professor of Biology |
Telephone | 207.778.7366 | | |
Bio | Dr. Jean Doty is a microbiologist with research interests in both environmental and medical microbiology. When not in the classroom, you can find Dr. Doty in the lab guiding students in their class-required or independent research projects. These student-designed projects are very diverse in topic, ranging from the heritability of musicality to the bioremediation of heating oil contamination in soil. Her own research interests are in the interaction between humans and their microbiota. Dr. Doty teaches Cell Biology, Genetics and Microbiology for students in the major, and Introductory Microbiology and Human Genetics for students outside the major. When she isn’t teaching or doing research, she’s exploring the Canadian Maritimes with her husband, daughter and two very excited dogs. Degrees