Anne Marie Wolf
Title | Professor of History |
Telephone | 207-778-7715 | | |
Bio | Anne Marie Wolf is a medieval historian and a dedicated teacher. She teaches both halves of Global History, several courses on Europe from the Roman period through the 17th century and several others, mostly on the Middle East and the Mediterranean world. She also teaches a 2-week travel course, Cultural History of Spain, in Spain in even-numbered years. Dr. Wolf specializes in late medieval Spain, especially interfaith (Christian-Jewish-Muslim) interactions there. Her recent book Juan de Segovia and the Fight for Peace: Christians and Muslims in the Fifteenth Century (Notre Dame Press, 2014) focuses on this Castilian theologian’s unconventional plea for peace and dialogue with the Turks rather than war. Her current research is in popular notions and practices of health, which she is exploring through an investigation of apothecaries and vernacular medical writing. For this, she has expanded her research into the Early Modern period. Degrees